Everybody Wants to be a Millionaire…Now!
By Joyce E. Byrd
“GET RICH QUICK.” The cliché
permeates the air these days. Prime time television, the new
morality of America, has popularized this most recent pervasive
Why does everyone want this instant fame and fortune? Let's
face it, this generation has enjoyed unparalleled prosperity
and peace in this modern age. Jobs are plentiful, the national
economy is strong, and life is generally good for most Americans.
Owning a home with two SUVs in the garage, let alone the proverbial
chicken in every pot, is commonplace.
Day traders and stocks have jarred the stock market
from an investment platform to an arena of speculative trading.
Stock prices are more or less a popularity contest. An organization's
stock price no longer echoes its market value or earnings
potential, but instead reflects the glamour of a runaway bandwagon.
So, now our expectations are greater. “Gee, all my
basic needs are met … food, shelter, clothing …
I have a 401k plan for retirement, a college fund for the
kids' education, a house, an SUV, a luxury sedan, a sports
car for fun, a 50% annual return on my investments …
what more could I want? Hmmm…what if I didn't have to
work for it? That's it! Let's become a millionaire overnight!”
And so, “Who Wants to Be A Millionaire”, “Twenty-One”,
“Greed”, and the latest FOX debacle, “Who
Wants to Marry a Millionaire”, have been offered up
to quench our thirst for dollars.
Now, don't get me wrong. I think millionaires are fine people,
and I wouldn't object if a million dollars landed in my lap.
But, I think our level of expectation today is much greater
than our forefathers. We must seriously ponder if we, and
more importantly our children, are prepared for the inevitable
economic downturn.
Copyright © 2000, Joyce E. Byrd.
All rights reserved. |